Back to town, time to get the bus for Trinidad. I got there an hour earlier than planned and managed to found the casa, thanks to the offline map app called "". Prior the trip, I saved on the map all the casas, bus station as well as things to see. It was then easy to move around.
May, my host, was getting ready to come pick me up with my name on a cardboard. Such a nice and warm person. She proudly showed me the two issues of Trinidad magazine, available twice a year. She knew I was a photographer from my profile on Airbnb and told me she knew the photographer of the magazine and asked me if I wanted to meet him. Why not! Can be nice to share passions!
I walked around town at night. The main place is called Plaza Mayor. You can found there stairs were people seat and use the wifi, drink or listen to the live band from La Casa de la Musica playing all day and night.
I get into a restaurant and go on the terraza to sit at a table. Next to me, about ten people speaking french were saying " look she is by herself". I nicely answered that I was speaking French too and they invited me to their table. They already had a few drinks in, singing and dancing with the group playing there. I spent the night talking with the women about social and political situation in France as well as traveling alone...or in group for them. They were telling me how a strange situation they got in here, in Cuba. Between the guide taking them to close places, loosing the bus, only going to touristic places, offering to spend the afternoon at the pool and once at the hotel, no water in the pool. But the best one was their hotel in Trinidad hosted the annual meeting of the transsexual community of Cuba. I guess they felt somehow uncomfortable because it sounded like it was bothering them. It made me realize again how people put fences between each other because of differences. Let’s love each other instead. The world would be such a better place.
I spent the next day walking around this town classified as UNESCO World Heritage Centre. It is filled with tourists, but worth to see.
Every corner you take in Cuba can reveal an image you wouldn't expect. Below, men are using machetes to cut weeds.